




学院师资优良,现有教职工46人,其中:正高级职称6人、副高级职称21人(占教师总数的58.69%),博士19人,博士在读7人,博士生导师3人,硕士生导师22人。法医学教学团队为云南省优秀教学团队,云南省博士研究生导师团队;法学教学团队为校级优秀教学团队。学院是云南省法医学专业教指委主任委员单位,有教育部教指委委员1人。团队中有享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家1人、司法部新时代最美法律服务人1人、云南省教学名师1人、云南省卓越青年教师1人、云南省教学研究先进1人、云南省师德标兵1人,有云南省中青年学术技术带头人及后备人才4人,昆明市中青年学术技术带头人及后备4人。此外,有检验检测机构国家级资质认定评审员4人、省级10人, CNAS认可评审员和技术评审专家3人,省司法鉴定协会专家库成员17人,多名教师兼任人民监督员、听证员、人民陪审员、特邀调解员。1人被评选为云南司法行政系统“十二五”十佳优秀司法鉴定工作者1人获得司法部“最美法律服务人”荣誉称号。













The School of Forensic Medicine is initiated in 1984. The KMMU was one of the 9 universities which set up forensic medicine discipline firstly in China. The Department of Forensic Medicine was established In 1988, and the School of Forensic Medicine in 2002. In the same time, we established Discipline of Law in 2005. In 1996, the Discipline of Forensic Medicine was approved offering a master's degree of forensic medicine, and began tooffer doctoral degree of forensic medicine in 2012.  

Currently, the School of Forensic Medicine offers undergraduate  and graduate programs, including the Bachelor's Degree of Forensic Medicine, the Bachelor's Degree of law, the Master's Degree of Forensic Medicine,andthe Doctor's Degree of Forensic Medicine. At present, there are about 600 studentsenrolled in the school including 60 graduate students.

Forensic medicine discipline was awarded the key construction discipline of Yunnan Province in 2005, the national characteristic discipline in 2009, the first-class undergraduate discipline of Yunnan Province in 2019, and the national first-class undergraduate discipline construction site in 2020. In 2021, the disciplines of forensic medicine and law were funded by KMMU for the construction of key disciplines during the "Fourteenth Five Year Plan".

There are 5 national brand courses, 7 provincial brand courses and 22 school level brand courses in forensic medicine and law of the school.

The school has excellent teaching facilities and fully functional laboratories for teaching, scientific research, and judicial expertise services as well. The school is a joint-training base for postgraduate education innovation and an experimental area for talent training innovation in Yunnan Province. It has 11 forensic practice teaching bases which were cooperation with Provincial Public Security Department and has 6 law practice teaching bases.

The school has excellent 46 staff members, including 6 professors, 21 associate professors, 19 hold doctoral degree, 3 doctoral supervisors and 22 master's supervisors for postgraduate programs.

The school is composed of the Department of Forensic Medicine, Department of Law, General Office,TeachingManagement Office,the Discipline, Research, and Postgraduate Management Office, and Student Affairs Office. The school also administrates the Judicial Center of Kunming Medical University.

The Judicial Center was recognized by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS), and the Certification and Accreditation Administration of P.R.C (CMA). The Judicial Center offers forensic expertise services for the public including all areas of forensic medicine, and has a good social reputation for excellent professional service.

The specific research fields of forensic medicine including the neurotoxicity of drug abuse and its mechanism, craniocerebral injury and its mechanism, mechanism of sudden unexpected death, genetic polymorphism of Yunnan ethnic minorities and forensic identification, genetic polymorphism and pathogenesis of schizophrenia, the mechanism of alcohol abuse, and much more.

In the past ten years, the staff of school has won 119 scientific research projects, including 22 projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2 subprojects of national key research and development program, 40 projects of provincial science and technology department and Kunming Medical University joint projects, 8 provincial philosophy and social science research projects, 3 projects of the key laboratories of drug dependence and abstinence of the National Health Commission.

The school has madesignificant progressin the area ofinternationalexchange andcooperation. It has launched inter-institutional academic partnerships andcooperation with medical schools and institutions fromdifferentcountries, such as the United States of America, Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Japan and Thailand. 


  • 联系地址:昆明市呈贡区雨花街道春融西路1168号
  • 联系电话:0871-65922555  联系邮编:650500
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