
姓名:杨照青          教授 博士生导师





杨照青 女,博士,教授二级。博士生导师。云南省医学会寄生虫分会理事(2009-现在)。中国动物学会原生动物学分会理事(2015-现在)。中国预防医学会寄生虫分会委员(2015-现在)。昆明医学院学科带头人。昆明医学院基础医学学位评定分委员会委员。PARASITOLOGY, Exp Parasitol, Open Veterinary Journal审稿员。国家自然科学基金项目评审专家。1982年毕业于昆明医学院本科,获学士学位;1988年昆明医学院寄生虫学专业研究生毕业,获硕士学位;2000年云南大学生物系生态学专业寄生虫学研究方向毕业,获理学博士学位。2004-2006年在美国进修学习。从事过的科研项目:大理地区血吸虫病传播阻断研究、肺吸虫的生活史(丰宫并殖吸虫生活史)研究工作、昆明市过敏性疾病螨因素调查、家畜肉孢子虫分子系统学研究。近年来主要从事肉孢子虫的分子生物学研究和疟原虫的抗药性研究。主持完成过国家自然科学基金多项以及美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)资助项目。发表论文100余篇,其中SCI论文80余篇,其中包括权威杂志British Medical Journal , Emerging Infectious Diseases。获得云南省自然科学一等奖1项(排名1)及省自然科学及科技进步二等奖各1项(排名1、2)。






2004-2005 Department of Genetics and Biochemistry, Clemson University Clemson,USA, Postdoctoral Fellow.

 2005-2006 Department of Entomology, Pennsylvania state university, USA, Postdoctoral Fellow.

1977.10-1982.12 昆明医学院本科毕业,获学士学位。

1985.09-1988.7 昆明医学院寄生虫学专业研究生毕业,获硕士学位。




1、国家自然科学基金,中缅边境恶性疟原虫对哌喹抗药性的分子机制研究,U1802286,2018年1月至2022 年12月 ,220万人民币, 在研、主持

2、国家自然科学基金,中缅边境间日疟原虫抗药性体外测定与抗药性基因的关联研究,项目编号:31860604,2018年1月至2022 年12月 ,39万人民币, 在研、主持




1、云南省科技厅,项目类别:重大科技专项,项目名称:针对中国输入性疟疾的核酸快速诊断试剂盒核心技术的研发,项目编号:2018ZF0081 ,项目起止时间:2018年1月至2020年12月,150万, 在研、主持




1.     Wang, S.; Zeng, W.; Zhao, W.; Xiang, Z.; Zhao, H.; Yang, Q.; Li, X.; Duan, M.; Li, X.; Wang, X.; Si, Y.; Rosenthal, B. M.; Yang, Z*., Comparison of in vitro transformation efficiency methods for Plasmodium falciparum. Mol Biochem Parasitol 2022, 247, 111432.

2.     Zhao, H.; Pi, L.; Zhao, L.; Qin, Y.; Zeng, W.; Xiang, Z.; Yang, Q.; Pan, M.; Li, X.; Zou, C.; Chen, X.; Zhao, W.; Lu, Y.; Wu, Y.; Duan, M.; Wang, X.; Li, X.; Mazier, D.; Huang, Y*.; Yang, Z*., First Detection in West Africa of a Mutation That May Contribute to Artemisinin Resistance Plasmodium falciparum. Front Genet 2021, 12, 701750.

3.     Zeng, W.; Zhao, H.; Zhao, W.; Yang, Q.; Li, X.; Li, X.; Duan, M.; Wang, X.; Li, C.; Xiang, Z.; Chen, X.; Cui, L*.; Yang, Z*., Molecular Surveillance and Ex Vivo Drug Susceptibilities of Plasmodium vivax Isolates From the China-Myanmar Border. Front Cell Infect Microbiol 2021, 11, 738075.

4.     Zeng, W.; Wang, S.; Feng, S.; Zhong, D.; Hu, Y.; Bai, Y.; Ruan, Y.; Si, Y.; Zhao, H.; Yang, Q.; Li, X.; Chen, X.; Zhang, Y.; Li, C.; Xiang, Z.; Wu, Y.; Chen, F.; Su, P.; Rosenthal, B. M.; Yang, Z*., Polymorphism of Antifolate Drug Resistance in Plasmodium vivax From Local Residents and Migrant Workers Returned From the China-Myanmar Border. Front Cell Infect Microbiol 2021, 11, 683423.

5.     Si, Y.; Zeng, W.; Li, N.; Wang, C.; Siddiqui, F.; Zhang, J.; Pi, L.; He, X.; Zhao, L.; Wang, S.; Zhao, H.; Li, X.; Yang, Q.; Miao, J.; Yang, Z*.; Cui, L*., In Vitro Susceptibility of Plasmodium falciparum Isolates from the China-Myanmar Border Area to Piperaquine and Association with Candidate Markers. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2021, 65, e02305.

6.     Liu, P.; Shen, L.; Wang, S.; Qin, P.; Si, Y.; Pan, M.; Zeng, W.; Qin, Y.; Chen, X.; Zhang, Y.; Li, C.; Xiang, Z.; Menezes, L.; Huang, Y.; Cui, L*.; Yang, Z*., Increasing proportions of relapsing parasite species among imported malaria in China's Guangxi Province from Western and Central Africa. Travel Med Infect Dis 2021, 43, 102130.

7.     He, X.; Zhong, D.; Zou, C.; Pi, L.; Zhao, L.; Qin, Y.; Pan, M.; Wang, S.; Zeng, W.; Xiang, Z.; Chen, X.; Wu, Y.; Si, Y.; Cui, L.; Huang, Y.; Yan, G*.; Yang, Z*., Unraveling the Complexity of Imported Malaria Infections by Amplicon Deep Sequencing. Front Cell Infect Microbiol 2021, 11, 725859.

8.     Chen, X.; Zhang, J.; Pan, M.; Qin, Y.; Zhao, H.; Qin, P.; Yang, Q.; Li, X.; Zeng, W.; Xiang, Z.; Duan, M.; Li, X.; Wang, X.; Mazier, D.; Zhang, Y.; Zhao, W.; Rosenthal, B. M.; Huang, Y*.; Yang, Z*., Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assays targeting 18S ribosomal RNA genes for identifying P. vivax and P. ovale species and mitochondrial DNA for detecting the genus Plasmodium. Parasit Vectors 2021, 14, 278.

9.     Zhao, L.; Pi, L.; Qin, Y.; Lu, Y.; Zeng, W.; Xiang, Z.; Qin, P.; Chen, X.; Li, C.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, S.; Si, Y.; Yang, G.; Rosenthal, B. M.; Huang, Y*.; Yang, Z*., Widespread resistance mutations to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in malaria parasites imported to China from Central and Western Africa. Int J Parasitol Drugs Drug Resist 2020, 12, 1.

10.   Zeng, W.; Malla, P.; Xu, X.; Pi, L.; Zhao, L.; He, X.; He, Y.; Menezes, L. J.; Cui, L*.; Yang, Z*., Associations among Soil-Transmitted Helminths, G6PD Deficiency and Asymptomatic Malaria Parasitemia, and Anemia in Schoolchildren from a Conflict Zone of Northeast Myanmar. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2020, 102, 851.

11.   Xu, S.; Zeng, W.; Ngassa Mbenda, H. G.; Liu, H.; Chen, X.; Xiang, Z.; Li, C.; Zhang, Y.; Baird, J. K.; Yang, Z*.; Cui, L*., Efficacy of directly-observed chloroquine-primaquine treatment for uncomplicated acute Plasmodium vivax malaria in northeast Myanmar: A prospective open-label efficacy trial. Travel Med Infect Dis 2020, 36, 101499.

12.   Wu, Y.; Soe, M. T.; Aung, P. L.; Zhao, L.; Zeng, W.; Menezes, L.; Yang, Z*.; Kyaw, M. P.; Cui, L., Efficacy of artemether-lumefantrine for treating uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum cases and molecular surveillance of drug resistance genes in Western Myanmar. Malar J 2020, 19, 304.

13.   Wang, S.; Xu, S.; Geng, J.; Si, Y.; Zhao, H.; Li, X.; Yang, Q.; Zeng, W.; Xiang, Z.; Chen, X.; Zhang, Y.; Li, C.; Kyaw, M. P.; Cui, L*.; Yang, Z*., Molecular Surveillance and in vitro Drug Sensitivity Study of Plasmodium falciparum Isolates from the China-Myanmar Border. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2020, 103, 1100.

14.   Ngassa Mbenda, H. G.; Wang, M.; Guo, J.; Siddiqui, F. A.; Hu, Y.; Yang, Z.; Kittichai, V.; Sattabongkot, J.; Cao, Y.; Jiang, L.; Cui, L., Evolution of the Plasmodium vivax multidrug resistance 1 gene in the Greater Mekong Subregion during malaria elimination. Parasit Vectors 2020, 13, 67.

15.   Li, J.; Zhang, J.; Li, Q.; Hu, Y.; Ruan, Y.; Tao, Z.; Xia, H.; Qiao, J.; Meng, L.; Zeng, W.; Li, C.; He, X.; Zhao, L.; Siddiqui, F. A.; Miao, J.; Yang, Z*.; Fang, Q*.; Cui, L., Ex vivo susceptibilities of Plasmodium vivax isolates from the China-Myanmar border to antimalarial drugs and association with polymorphisms in Pvmdr1 and Pvcrt-o genes. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2020, 14, e0008255.

16.   Zhang, J.; Li, N.; Siddiqui, F. A.; Xu, S.; Geng, J.; Zhang, J.; He, X.; Zhao, L.; Pi, L.; Zhang, Y.; Li, C.; Chen, X.; Wu, Y.; Miao, J.; Cao, Y.; Cui, L*.; Yang, Z*., In vitro susceptibility of Plasmodium falciparum isolates from the China-Myanmar border area to artemisinins and correlation with K13 mutations. Int J Parasitol Drugs Drug Resist 2019, 10, 20.

17.   Yi, H.; Li, H.; Liang, L.; Wu, Y.; Zhang, L.; Qiu, W.; Jiang, W.; Yang, F.; Li, Q.; Yang, Z.; Wang, C.; Cui, L.; He, Y., The glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase Mahidol variant protects against uncomplicated Plasmodium vivax infection and reduces disease severity in a Kachin population from northeast Myanmar. Infect Genet Evol 2019, 75, 103980.

18.   Liu, Z.; Soe, T. N.; Zhao, Y.; Than, A.; Cho, C.; Aung, P. L.; Li, Y.; Wang, L.; Yang, H.; Li, X.; Li, D.; Peng, Z.; Wang, J.; Li, Y.; Yang, Z.; Zhou, H.; Wang, Q.; Kyaw, M. P.; Cao, Y.; Cui, L., Geographical heterogeneity in prevalence of subclinical malaria infections at sentinel endemic sites of Myanmar. Parasit Vectors 2019, 12, 83.

19.   He, X.; Pan, M.; Zeng, W.; Zou, C.; Pi, L.; Qin, Y.; Zhao, L.; Qin, P.; Lu, Y.; Baird, J. K.; Huang, Y.; Cui, L*.; Yang, Z*., Multiple relapses of Plasmodium vivax malaria acquired from West Africa and association with poor metabolizer CYP2D6 variant: a case report. BMC Infect Dis 2019, 19, 704.

20.   Geng, J.; Malla, P.; Zhang, J.; Xu, S.; Li, C.; Zhao, Y.; Wang, Q.; Kyaw, M. P.; Cao, Y.; Yang, Z*.; Cui, L*., Increasing trends of malaria in a border area of the Greater Mekong Subregion. Malar J 2019, 18, 309.

21.   Zhao, Y.; Zeng, J.; Zhao, Y.; Liu, Q.; He, Y.; Zhang, J.; Yang, Z.; Fan, Q.; Wang, Q.; Cui, L.; Cao, Y., Risk factors for asymptomatic malaria infections from seasonal cross-sectional surveys along the China-Myanmar border. Malar J 2018, 17, 247.

22.   Zeng, W.; Sun, L.; Xiang, Z.; Li, N.; Zhang, J.; He, Y.; Li, Q.; Yang, F.; Song, J.; Morris, J.; Rosenthal, B. M.; Sun, L.; Liu, H.; Yang, Z*., Morphological and molecular characteristics of Sarcocystis bertrami from horses and donkeys in China. Vet Parasitol 2018, 252, 89.

23.   Siddiqui, F. A.; Cabrera, M.; Wang, M.; Brashear, A.; Kemirembe, K.; Wang, Z.; Miao, J.; Chookajorn, T.; Yang, Z.; Cao, Y.; Dong, G.; Rosenthal, P. J.; Cui, L., Plasmodium falciparum Falcipain-2a Polymorphisms in Southeast Asia and Their Association With Artemisinin Resistance. J Infect Dis 2018, 218, 434.

24.   Mbenda, H. G. N.; Zeng, W.; Bai, Y.; Siddiqui, F. A.; Yang, Z*.; Cui, L*., Genetic diversity of the Plasmodium vivax phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase gene in two regions of the China-Myanmar border. Infect Genet Evol 2018, 61, 45.

25.   Deng, Z.; Li, Q.; Yi, H.; Zhang, Y.; Yang, F.; Li, H.; Luo, L.; Ma, L.; Yang, Z.; He, Y.; Cui, L., Hemoglobin E protects against acute Plasmodium vivax infections in a Kachin population at the China-Myanmar border. J Infect 2018, 77, 435.

26.   Bai, Y.; Zhang, J.; Geng, J.; Xu, S.; Deng, S.; Zeng, W.; Wang, Z.; Ngassa Mbenda, H. G.; Zhang, J.; Li, N.; Wu, Y.; Li, C.; Liu, H.; Ruan, Y.; Cao, Y.; Yang*, Z.; Cui*, L., Longitudinal surveillance of drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum isolates from the China-Myanmar border reveals persistent circulation of multidrug resistant parasites. Int J Parasitol Drugs Drug Resist 2018, 8, 320.

27.   Zhang, J.; Feng, G. H.; Zou, C. Y.; Su, P. C.; Liu, H. E.; Yang, Z. Q*., Overview of the improvement of the ring-stage survival assay-a novel phenotypic assay for the detection of artemisinin-resistant Plasmodium falciparum. Zool Res 2017, 38, 317.

28.   Zeng, W.; Bai, Y.; Wang, M.; Wang, Z.; Deng, S.; Ruan, Y.; Feng, S.; Yang, Z*.; Cui, L*., Significant Divergence in Sensitivity to Antimalarial Drugs between Neighboring Plasmodium falciparum Populations along the Eastern Border of Myanmar. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2017, 61.e01689.

29.   Soe, T. N.; Wu, Y.; Tun, M. W.; Xu, X.; Hu, Y.; Ruan, Y.; Win, A. Y. N.; Nyunt, M. H.; Mon, N. C. N.; Han, K. T.; Aye, K. M.; Morris, J.; Su, P.; Yang, Z*.; Kyaw, M. P.; Cui, L., Genetic diversity of Plasmodium falciparum populations in southeast and western Myanmar. Parasit Vectors 2017, 10, 322.

30.   Lo, E.; Lam, N.; Hemming-Schroeder, E.; Nguyen, J.; Zhou, G.; Lee, M. C.; Yang, Z.; Cui, L.; Yan, G., Frequent Spread of Plasmodium vivax Malaria Maintains High Genetic Diversity at the Myanmar-China Border, Without Distance and Landscape Barriers. J Infect Dis 2017, 216, 1254.

31.   Deng, Z.; Yang, F.; Bai, Y.; He, L.; Li, Q.; Wu, Y.; Luo, L.; Li, H.; Ma, L.; Yang, Z.; He, Y.; Cui, L., Co-inheritance of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency mutations and hemoglobin E in a Kachin population in a malaria-endemic region of Southeast Asia. PLoS One 2017, 12, e0177917.

32.   Chen, X.; He, Y.; Miao, Y.; Yang, Z*.; Cui, L*., A young man with severe acute haemolytic anaemia. BMJ 2017, 359, j4263.

33.Hu JJ.; Li HL.; Huang S.; Chen MY.; Esch GW.; Yang ZQ.; Song JL.,Sarcocystis menglaensis n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Sarcocystidae) from Williamson's mouse deer Tuagulus williamsoni (Kloss) (Artiodactyla: Tragulidae). Syst Parasitol 2017, 94, 299.

34.   Zhu, X.; Zhao, Z.; Feng, Y.; Li, P.; Liu, F.; Liu, J.; Yang, Z.; Yan, G.; Fan, Q.; Cao, Y.; Cui, L., Genetic diversity of the Plasmodium falciparum apical membrane antigen I gene in parasite population from the China-Myanmar border area. Infect Genet Evol 2016, 39, 155.

35.   Zhu, X.; Zhao, P.; Wang, S.; Liu, F.; Liu, J.; Wang, J.; Yang, Z.; Yan, G.; Fan, Q.; Cao, Y.; Cui, L., Analysis of Pvama1 genes from China-Myanmar border reveals little regional genetic differentiation of Plasmodium vivax populations. Parasit Vectors 2016, 9, 614.

36.   Zhou, G.; Lo, E.; Zhong, D.; Wang, X.; Wang, Y.; Malla, S.; Lee, M. C.; Yang, Z.; Cui, L.; Yan, G., Impact of interventions on malaria in internally displaced persons along the China-Myanmar border: 2011-2014. Malar J 2016, 15, 471.

37.   Xu, X.; Zhou, G.; Wang, Y.; Hu, Y.; Ruan, Y.; Fan, Q.; Yang, Z*.; Yan, G*.; Cui, L*., Microgeographic Heterogeneity of Border Malaria During Elimination Phase, Yunnan Province, China, 2011-2013. Emerg Infect Dis 2016, 22, 1363.

38.   Wang, Z.; Cabrera, M.; Yang, J.; Yuan, L.; Gupta, B.; Liang, X.; Kemirembe, K.; Shrestha, S.; Brashear, A.; Li, X.; Porcella, S. F.; Miao, J.; Yang, Z.; Su, X. Z.; Cui, L., Genome-wide association analysis identifies genetic loci associated with resistance to multiple antimalarials in Plasmodium falciparum from China-Myanmar border. Sci Rep 2016, 6, 33891.

39.   Wang, X.; Zhou, G.; Zhong, D.; Wang, X.; Wang, Y.; Yang, Z.; Cui, L.; Yan, G., Life-table studies revealed significant effects of deforestation on the development and survivorship of Anopheles minimus larvae. Parasit Vectors 2016, 9, 323.

40.   Wang, Q.; Zhao, Z.; Zhang, X.; Li, X.; Zhu, M.; Li, P.; Yang, Z.; Wang, Y.; Yan, G.; Shang, H.; Cao, Y.; Fan, Q.; Cui, L., Naturally Acquired Antibody Responses to Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum Merozoite Surface Protein 1 (MSP1) C-Terminal 19 kDa Domains in an Area of Unstable Malaria Transmission in Southeast Asia. PLoS One 2016, 11, e0151900.

41.   Lo, E.; Nguyen, J.; Oo, W.; Hemming-Schroeder, E.; Zhou, G.; Yang, Z.; Cui, L.; Yan, G., Examining Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax clearance subsequent to antimalarial drug treatment in the Myanmar-China border area based on quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. BMC Infect Dis 2016, 16, 154.

42.   Liu, H.; Feng, G.; Zeng, W.; Li, X.; Bai, Y.; Deng, S.; Ruan, Y.; Morris, J.; Li, S.; Yang, Z*.; Cui, L*., A more appropriate white blood cell count for estimating malaria parasite density in Plasmodium vivax patients in northeastern Myanmar. Acta Trop 2016, 156, 152.

43.   Li, P.; Zhao, Z.; Xing, H.; Li, W.; Zhu, X.; Cao, Y.; Yang, Z.; Sattabongkot, J.; Yan, G.; Fan, Q.; Cui, L., Plasmodium malariae and Plasmodium ovale infections in the China-Myanmar border area. Malar J 2016, 15, 557.

44.   Hu, Y.; Zhou, G.; Ruan, Y.; Lee, M. C.; Xu, X.; Deng, S.; Bai, Y.; Zhang, J.; Morris, J.; Liu, H.; Wang, Y.; Fan, Q.; Li, P.; Wu, Y.; Yang, Z*.; Yan, G*.; Cui, L*., Seasonal dynamics and microgeographical spatial heterogeneity of malaria along the China-Myanmar border. Acta Trop 2016, 157, 12.

45.   Deng, S.; Ruan, Y.; Bai, Y.; Hu, Y.; Deng, Z.; He, Y.; Ruan, R.; Wu, Y.; Yang, Z*.; Cui, L*., Genetic diversity of the Pvk12 gene in Plasmodium vivax from the China-Myanmar border area. Malar J 2016, 15, 528.

46.   Zhang, L.; Yang, Y.; Liu, R.; Li, Q.; Yang, F.; Ma, L.; Liu, H.; Chen, X.; Yang, Z.; Cui, L.; He, Y., A multiplex method for detection of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) gene mutations. Int J Lab Hematol 2015, 37, 739.

47.   Yuan, L.; Wang, Y.; Parker, D. M.; Gupta, B.; Yang, Z.; Liu, H.; Fan, Q.; Cao, Y.; Xiao, Y.; Lee, M. C.; Zhou, G.; Yan, G.; Baird, J. K.; Cui, L., Therapeutic responses of Plasmodium vivax malaria to chloroquine and primaquine treatment in northeastern Myanmar. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2015, 59, 1230.

48.   Wang, Z.; Wang, Y.; Cabrera, M.; Zhang, Y.; Gupta, B.; Wu, Y.; Kemirembe, K.; Hu, Y.; Liang, X.; Brashear, A.; Shrestha, S.; Li, X.; Miao, J.; Sun, X.; Yang, Z*.; Cui, L*., Artemisinin resistance at the China-Myanmar border and association with mutations in the K13 propeller gene. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2015, 59, 6952.

49.   Wang, Z.; Shrestha, S.; Li, X.; Miao, J.; Yuan, L.; Cabrera, M.; Grube, C.; Yang, Z.; Cui, L., Prevalence of K13-propeller polymorphisms in Plasmodium falciparum from China-Myanmar border in 2007-2012. Malar J 2015, 14, 168.

50.   Wang, Y.; Zhong, D.; Cui, L.; Lee, M. C.; Yang, Z.; Yan, G.; Zhou, G., Population dynamics and community structure of Anopheles mosquitoes along the China-Myanmar border. Parasit Vectors 2015, 8, 445.

51.   Wang, Y.; Yang, Z.(并列第一); Yuan, L.; Zhou, G.; Parker, D.; Lee, M. C.; Yan, G.; Fan, Q.; Xiao, Y.; Cao, Y.; Cui, L., Clinical Efficacy of Dihydroartemisinin-Piperaquine for the Treatment of Uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum Malaria at the China-Myanmar Border. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2015, 93, 577.

52.   Ren, N.; Kuang, Y. M.; Tang, Q. L.; Cheng, L.; Zhang, C. H.; Yang, Z. Q.; He, Y. S.; Zhu, Y. C., High Incidence of Malaria Along the Sino-Burmese Border Is Associated With Polymorphisms of CR1, IL-1A, IL-4R, IL-4, NOS, and TNF, But Not With G6PD Deficiency. Medicine (Baltimore) 2015, 94, e1681.

53.   Lo, E.; Zhou, G.; Oo, W.; Lee, M. C.; Baum, E.; Felgner, P. L.; Yang, Z.; Cui, L.; Yan, G., Molecular inference of sources and spreading patterns of Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasites in internally displaced persons settlements in Myanmar-China border area. Infect Genet Evol 2015, 33, 189.

54.   Li, Q.; Yang, F.; Liu, R.; Luo, L.; Yang, Y.; Zhang, L.; Liu, H.; Zhang, W.; Fan, Z.; Yang, Z.; Cui, L.; He, Y., Prevalence and Molecular Characterization of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency at the China-Myanmar Border. PLoS One 2015, 10, e0134593.

55.   Li, P.; Xing, H.; Zhao, Z.; Yang, Z.; Cao, Y.; Li, W.; Yan, G.; Sattabongkot, J.; Cui, L.; Fan, Q., Genetic diversity of Plasmodium falciparum histidine-rich protein 2 in the China-Myanmar border area. Acta Trop 2015, 152, 26.

56. Zuo YX.;  Yang Z*., The validity of Sarcocystis sinensis. Dong wu xue Yanjiu 2015, 36, 109.


57.   Zhou, G.; Sun, L.; Xia, R.; Duan, Y.; Xu, J.; Yang, H.; Wang, Y.; Lee, M. C.; Xiang, Z.; Yan, G.; Cui, L.; Yang, Z*., Clinical malaria along the China-Myanmar border, Yunnan Province, China, January 2011-August 2012. Emerg Infect Dis 2014, 20, 675.

58.   Yuan, L.; Hao, M.; Wu, L.; Zhao, Z.; Rosenthal, B. M.; Li, X.; He, Y.; Sun, L.; Feng, G.; Xiang, Z.; Cui, L*.; Yang, Z*., Refrigeration provides a simple means to synchronize in vitro cultures of Plasmodium falciparum. Exp Parasitol 2014, 140, 18.

59.   Li, P.; Zhao, Z.; Wang, Y.; Xing, H.; Parker, D. M.; Yang, Z.; Baum, E.; Li, W.; Sattabongkot, J.; Sirichaisinthop, J.; Li, S.; Yan, G.; Cui, L.; Fan, Q., Nested PCR detection of malaria directly using blood filter paper samples from epidemiological surveys. Malar J 2014, 13, 175.

60.   Gupta, B.; Xu, S.; Wang, Z.; Sun, L.; Miao, J.; Cui, L*.; Yang, Z*., Plasmodium falciparum multidrug resistance protein 1 (pfmrp1) gene and its association with in vitro drug susceptibility of parasite isolates from north-east Myanmar. J Antimicrob Chemother 2014, 69, 2110.

61.   Chen, K.; Sun, L.; Lin, Y.; Fan, Q.; Zhao, Z.; Hao, M.; Feng, G.; Wu, Y.; Cui, L*.; Yang, Z*., Competition between Plasmodium falciparum strains in clinical infections during in vitro culture adaptation. Infect Genet Evol 2014, 24, 105.

62.   Yuan, L.; Zhao, H.; Wu, L.; Li, X.; Parker, D.; Xu, S.; Zhao, Y.; Feng, G.; Wang, Y.; Yan, G.; Fan, Q.; Yang, Z*.; Cui, L., Plasmodium falciparum populations from northeastern Myanmar display high levels of genetic diversity at multiple antigenic loci. Acta Trop 2013, 125, 53.

63.   Yan, J.; Li, N.; Wei, X.; Li, P.; Zhao, Z.; Wang, L.; Li, S.; Li, X.; Wang, Y.; Li, S.; Yang, Z.; Zheng, B.; Zhou, G.; Yan, G.; Cui, L.; Cao, Y.; Fan, Q., Performance of two rapid diagnostic tests for malaria diagnosis at the China-Myanmar border area. Malar J 2013, 12, 73.

64.   Miao, M.; Wang, Z.; Yang, Z.; Yuan, L.; Parker, D. M.; Putaporntip, C.; Jongwutiwes, S.; Xangsayarath, P.; Pongvongsa, T.; Moji, H.; Dinh Tuong, T.; Abe, T.; Nakazawa, S.; Kyaw, M. P.; Yan, G.; Sirichaisinthop, J.; Sattabongkot, J.; Mu, J.; Su, X. Z.; Kaneko, O.; Cui, L., Genetic diversity and lack of artemisinin selection signature on the Plasmodium falciparum ATP6 in the Greater Mekong Subregion. PLoS One 2013, 8, e59192.

65.   Li, N.; Parker, D. M.; Yang, Z.; Fan, Q.; Zhou, G.; Ai, G.; Duan, J.; Lee, M. C.; Yan, G.; Matthews, S. A.; Cui, L.; Wang, Y., Risk factors associated with slide positivity among febrile patients in a conflict zone of north-eastern Myanmar along the China-Myanmar border. Malar J 2013, 12, 361.

66.   Hao, M.; Jia, D.; Li, Q.; He, Y.; Yuan, L.; Xu, S.; Chen, K.; Wu, J.; Shen, L.; Sun, L.; Zhao, H.; Yang, Z*.; Cui, L*., In vitro sensitivities of Plasmodium falciparum isolates from the China-Myanmar border to piperaquine and association with polymorphisms in candidate genes. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2013, 57, 1723.

67.   Wang, Z.; Parker, D.; Meng, H.; Wu, L.; Li, J.; Zhao, Z.; Zhang, R.; Miao, M.; Fan, Q.; Wang, H.; Cui, L*.; Yang, Z*., In vitro sensitivity of Plasmodium falciparum from China-Myanmar border area to major ACT drugs and polymorphisms in potential target genes. PLoS One 2012, 7, e30927.

68. Tian M.; Chen Y.; Wu L.; Rosenthal BM.; Liu X.; He Y.; Dunams DB.; Cui L.;  Yang Z*., Phylogenetic analysis of Sarcocystis nesbitti (Coccidia: Sarcocystidae) suggests a snake as its probable definitive host. Vet Parasito 2012, 373.

69. Miao M.; Yang Z.; Patch H.; Huang Y.; Escalante AA.; Cui L., Plasmodium vivax populations revisited: mitochondrial genomes of temperate strains in Asia suggest ancient population expansion. BMC Evol Biol 2012, 12, 13.

70.   Yang, Z.; Li, C(并列第一).; Miao, M.; Zhang, Z.; Sun, X.; Meng, H.; Li, J.; Fan, Q.; Cui, L., Multidrug-resistant genotypes of Plasmodium falciparum, Myanmar. Emerg Infect Dis 2011, 17, 498.

71.   Meng, H.; Zhang, R.; Yang, H.; Fan, Q.; Su, X.; Miao, J.; Cui, L.; Yang, Z*., In vitro sensitivity of Plasmodium falciparum clinical isolates from the China-Myanmar border area to quinine and association with polymorphism in the Na+/H+ exchanger. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2010, 54, 4306.

72.   Yang, H.; Yang, Y.; Yang, P.; Li, X.; Gao, B.; Zhang, Z.; Yang, Z.; Cui, L., Monitoring Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine resistance in Yunnan Province, China, 1981-2006. Acta Trop 2008, 108, 44.

73.   Cui, L.; Yan, G.; Sattabongkot, J.; Chen, B.; Cao, Y.; Fan, Q.; Parker, D.; Sirichaisinthop, J.; Su, X. Z.; Yang, H.; Yang, Z.; Wang, B.; Zhou, G., Challenges and prospects for malaria elimination in the Greater Mekong Subregion. Acta Trop 2012, 121, 240.(2.2)

74.  Cui, L.; Yan, G.; Sattabongkot, J.; Cao, Y.; Chen, B.; Chen, X.; Fan, Q.; Fang, Q.; Jongwutiwes, S.; Parker, D.; Sirichaisinthop, J.; Kyaw, M. P.; Su, X. Z.; Yang, H.; Yang, Z.; Wang, B.; Xu, J.; Zheng, B.; Zhong, D.; Zhou, G., Malaria in the Greater Mekong Subregion: heterogeneity and complexity. Acta Trop 2012, 121, 227.

75.   Xiang, Z.; He, Y.; Zhao, H.; Rosenthal, B. M.; Dunams, D. B.; Li, X.; Zuo, Y.; Feng, G.; Cui, L.; Yang Z*., Sarcocystis cruzi: comparative studies confirm natural infections of buffaloes. Exp Parasitol 2011, 127, 460.

76.   Huang, Y.; Yang Z.(并列第一); Putaporntip, C.; Miao, M.; Wei, H.; Zou, C.; Jongwutiwes, S.; Cui, L., Isolation and identification of a South China strain of Plasmodium inui from Macaca fascicularis. Vet Parasitol 2011, 176, 9.(2.5)

77.   Chen, X.; Zuo, Y.; Rosenthal, B. M.; He, Y.; Cui, L.; Yang Z*, Sarcocystis sinensis is an ultrastructurally distinct parasite of water buffalo that can cause foodborne illness but cannot complete its life-cycle in human beings. Vet Parasitol 2011, 178, 35.(2.5)

78.   Xiang, Z.; Rosenthal, B. M.; He, Y.; Wang, W.; Wang, H.; Song, J.; Shen, P. Q.; Li, M. L.; Yang Z.*, Sarcocystis tupaia, sp. nov., a new parasite species employing treeshrews (Tupaiidae, Tupaia belangeri chinensis) as natural intermediate hosts. Parasitol Int 2010, 59, 128.(2)

79.   Miao, M.; Yang, Z.; Cui, L.; Ahlum, J.; Huang, Y.; Cui, L., Different allele prevalence in the dihydrofolate reductase and dihydropteroate synthase genes in Plasmodium vivax populations from China. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2010, 83, 1206.

80.   Xiang, Z.; Chen, X.; Yang, L.; He, Y.; Jiang, R.; Rosenthal, B. M.; Luan, P.; Attwood, S. W.; Zuo, Y.; Zhang, Y. P.; Yang Z*., Non-invasive methods for identifying oocysts of Sarcocystis spp. from definitive hosts. Parasitol Int 2009, 58, 293.(2)

81.   Zhou, B. J.; Yang, B. B.; Doanh, P. N.; Yang, Z. Q.; Xiang, Z.; Li, C. Y.; Shinohara, A.; Horii, Y.; Nawa, Y., Sequence analyses of ITS2 and CO1 genes of Paragonimus proliferus obtained in Yunnan province, China and their similarities with those of P. hokuoensis. Parasitol Res 2008, 102, 1379.(1.8)

82.   Zhong, D.; Afrane, Y.; Githeko, A.; Yang, Z.; Cui, L.; Menge, D. M.; Temu, E. A.; Yan, G., Plasmodium falciparum genetic diversity in western Kenya highlands. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2007, 77, 1043.

83.   Yang, Z.; Zhang, Z.; Sun, X.; Wan, W.; Cui, L.; Zhang, X.; Zhong, D.; Yan, G.; Cui, L., Molecular analysis of chloroquine resistance in Plasmodium falciparum in Yunnan Province, China. Trop Med Int Health 2007, 12, 1.(2.3)

84.   Udomsangpetch, R.; Somsri, S.; Panichakul, T.; Chotivanich, K.; Sirichaisinthop, J.; Yang, Z.; Cui, L.; Sattabongkot, J., Short-term in vitro culture of field isolates of Plasmodium vivax using umbilical cord blood. Parasitol Int 2007, 56, 65.(2)

85.   Chen, L. Y.; Zhou, B. J.; Yang, Z. Q.; Li, C. Y.; Attwood, S. W.; Wang, W. L.; Lei, L.; Sun, X. D.; Zhang, Z. X., Effects of frozen storage on the structure of sarcocysts in pig muscle and implications in taxonomic studies. Exp Parasitol 2007, 115, 393.

86.   Yang, Z.; Miao, J.; Huang, Y.; Li, X.; Putaporntip, C.; Jongwutiwes, S.; Gao, Q.; Udomsangpetch, R.; Sattabongkot, J.; Cui, L., Genetic structures of geographically distinct Plasmodium vivax populations assessed by PCR/RFLP analysis of the merozoite surface protein 3beta gene. Acta Trop 2006, 100, 305.(2.2)

87.   Morris, M. T.; DeBruin, C.; Yang, Z.; Chambers, J. W.; Smith, K. S.; Morris, J. C., Activity of a second Trypanosoma brucei hexokinase is controlled by an 18-amino-acid C-terminal tail. Eukaryot Cell 2006, 5, 2014.(4)

88.   Yang, Z. Q.; Wei, C. G.; Zen, J. S.; Song, J. L.; Zuo, Y. X.; He, Y. S.; Zhang, H. F.; Attwood, S. W.; Chen, X. W.; Yang, G. C.; Zhou, X.; Quan, X.; Li, C. Y.; Han, D.; Liu, A. W.; Lin, P., A taxonomic re-appraisal of Sarcocystis nesbitti (Protozoa: Sarcocystidae) from the monkey Macaca fascicularis in Yunnan, PR China. Parasitol Int 2005, 54, 75.(2)

89.   Yang, Z. Q.; Li, Q. Q.; Zuo, Y. X.; Chen, X. W.; Chen, Y. J.; Nie, L.; Wei, C. G.; Zen, J. S.; Attwood, S. W.; Zhang, X. Z.; Zhang, Y. P., Characterization of Sarcocystis species in domestic animals using a PCR-RFLP analysis of variation in the 18S rRNA gene: a cost-effective and simple technique for routine species identification. Exp Parasitol 2002, 102, 212.(2)

90.   Li, Q. Q.; Yang Z. Q*.; Zuo, Y. X.; Attwood, S. W.; Chen, X. W.; Zhang, Y. P., A PCR-based RFLP analysis of Sarcocystis cruzi (Protozoa: Sarcocystidae) in Yunnan Province, PR China, reveals the water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) as a natural intermediate host. J Parasitol 2002, 88, 1259.(1.5)

91.   Yang, Z. Q.; Zuo, Y. X.; Yao, Y. G.; Chen, X. W.; Yang, G. C.; Zhang, Y. P., Analysis of the 18S rRNA genes of Sarcocystis species suggests that the morphologically similar organisms from cattle and water buffalo should be considered the same species. Mol Biochem Parasitol 2001, 115 , 283.(3)

92.   Yang, Z. Q.; Zuo, Y. X.; Ding, B.; Chen, X. W.; Luo, J.; Zhang, Y. P., Identification of Sarcocystis hominis-like (Protozoa: Sarcocystidae) cyst in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) based on 18S rRNA gene sequences. J Parasitol 2001, 87, 934.(1.5)

93. 耿劲婷; 曾炜林; 陈熙; 苏品璨; 杨照青, 他非诺喹优点的概述-根治间日疟原虫的一种新药. 中国病原生物学杂志 2019, 6, 739.

94. 陈芳; 邹春燕; 曾炜林; 杨照青, 东南亚地区间日疟流行情况及防治研究进展. 热带医学杂志 2019, 4, 523.

95. 李娜; 黄亚铭; 蔡文斌; 陈熙; 苏品璨; 杨照青*, 恶性疟原虫对双氢青蒿素-哌喹敏感性研究进展. 中国病原生物学杂志 2017, 10, 1025.

96. 张艳梅; 吴艳瑞; 胡月; 王丽琼; 阮永华; 马宁; 李思熳; 王颖娜; 贾丹丹; 向征; 杨照青*, 中缅边境恶性疟原虫对青蒿素类药体外敏感性检测和K-13基因突变的相关性研究. 中国人兽共患病学报 2016, 3, 219.

97. 胡月; 蔡文斌; 李翠英; 阮永华;杨照青*, 间日疟原虫抗药性基因研究进展. 中国病原生物学杂志 2016, 6, 580.

98. 冯时; 邹俊; 杨照青*, 间日疟原虫抗药基因突变研究进展. 中国病原生物学杂志 2016,  7, 669.

99. 徐馨; 刘怀鄂; 刘永华; 杨照青*, 间日疟原虫抗药性研究进展. 中国人兽共患病学报 2015, 1, 74.

100. 马宁; 赵书仙; 刘永华; 杨照青*, HIV感染者妊娠期合并疟疾感染的预防及治疗进展. 热带医学杂志 2015, 4, 558.

101. 徐馨,赵书仙,Liwang Cui,杨照青*.青蒿素类药物治疗间日疟的研究进展.中国热带医学. 2015, 14,1533.

102. 王颖娜; 张艳梅; 蔺应学; 杨照青*, 恶性疟原虫对青蒿素类药物抗药性的最新研究进展. 中国人兽共患病学报 2014, 2, 195.

103. 王丽琼; 刘永华; 赵书仙; 杨照青*, 恶性疟原虫青蒿素类药物抗性检测研究进展. 中国病原生物学杂志 2014, 12, 1142.

104. 向征,杨照青*, 树鼩寄生虫研究进展. 中国人兽共患病学报.2014,30,955.

105. 袁丽莉; 杨婕; 杨照青*, 恶性疟原虫PfEMP-1的研究进展. 中国人兽共患病学报 2013,  3, 290.

106. 王卫群; 向征; 陈熙; 王红; 王文林; 杨照青*, 《人体寄生虫学》课程双语教学的应用研究. 环球体育·(中国)官方网站学报 2013, 1, 160.

107. 陈柯璇; 杨照青*, 恶性疟混合感染及裂殖子表面蛋白1和2的研究进展. 中华传染病杂志 2013, 8, 510.

108. 赵辉; 陈琳; 王红; 郝明明; 杨照青*, 提问式教学法在寄生虫实验课教学中效果考核的追踪研究. 教育教学论坛 2012, 34, 246.

109. 向征; 王卫群; 王红; 王文林; 杨照青*, 双语教学在《人体寄生虫学》中的应用效果初探. 环球体育·(中国)官方网站学报 2012, 8, 125.

110. 李娜娜; 杨照青*, 抗疟药咯萘啶的研究进展. 中国热带医学 2012, 2, 249.

111. 郝明明; 杨照青*, 恶性疟原虫体外培养的同步化方法. 中国热带医学 2012, 9, 1154.

112. 赵辉; 杨照青*, 间日疟原虫的体外培养研究进展. 中国热带医学 2011, 4, 501.

113. 徐淑慧; 杨照青*, 恶性疟原虫多药抗性蛋白pfMRP1研究新进展. 中国人兽共患病学报 2011, 8, 751.

114. 王红; 贾雪梅; 曾瑾; 王卫群; 陈熙; 向征; 王文林; 杨照青*, 双语教学在人体寄生虫学中的初步实践. 中国病原生物学杂志 2011, 2, 159.

115. 马碧书; 苏绍祥; 杨照青*, 肉孢子虫免疫学及相关研究进展. 延安大学学报(医学科学版) 2011, 1, 15.

116. 刘若冰; 吴兰鸥; 杨照青*, 恶性疟原虫对氯喹抗药性的流行病学及IPT的研究进展. 中国热带医学 2011, 10, 1289.

117. 李薇; 张伟琴; 杨照青*, 重组抗原用于弓形虫病免疫学诊断的研究进展. 医学研究杂志 2011, 12, 10.

118. 赵振; 吴兰鸥; 杨照青*, 恶性疟原虫抗药性测定方法及其影响因素. 中国热带医学 2010, 9, 1155.

119. 杨立军; 向征; 左仰贤; 杨照青*, 几种动物肉孢子虫虫种研究进展. 中国病原生物学杂志 2009, 2, 137.(核心期刊)

120. 卢珊珊; 吴兰鸥; 杨照青*, 青蒿素类药物与其他药物配伍治疗疟疾的研究进展. 中国病原生物学杂志 2009, 3, 232.(核心期刊)

121. 李节; 何永蜀; 杨照青*, 恶性疟原虫var基因相关研究新进展. 热带医学杂志 2009, 2, 222.

122. 李佳; 吴兰鸥; 杨照青*, 青蒿素类抗疟药药效的比较及联合用药. 中国热带医学 2009,  1, 157.(核心期刊)

123. 何永蜀; 张闻; 杨照青*, 人类基因组结构变异. 遗传 2009, 8, 771.(核心期刊)

124. 张晶敏; 吴蓝鸥; 杨恒林; 段启祥; 师敏; 杨照青*, 云南省疟疾流行情况及药物治疗、抗药性研究现状. 中国病原生物学杂志 2008, 12, 950.(核心期刊)

125. 李超群; 向征; 杨照青*, 恶性疟原虫对S-P抗药性流行病学及机制研究进展. 中国热带医学 2008, 12, 2247.(核心期刊)

126. 段启祥; 师敏; 杨树生; 杨立军; 向征; 夏荣济; 申丽洁; 周本江; 雷霖; 陈熙; 王红; 王文林; 王玉; 杨照青*, 陇川县与洱源县少数民族肠道寄生虫感染调查. 中国病原生物学杂志 2008, 11, 878.(核心期刊)

127. 陈元晓; 田明; 张闻; 王文林; 杨照青; 张乃光, 云南省4种陆生贝类的营养成分分析. 动物学杂志 2008, 2, 106.(核心期刊)

128. 陈连勇; 周本江; 李翠英; 杨立军; 杨照青*, 肉孢子虫流行病学研究进展. 中国人兽共患病学报 2008, 7, 675.(核心期刊)

129. 陈鹏; 杨斌斌; 白洁; 李超群; 杨照青*, 提问式教学法在寄生虫实验课教学中的应用. 西北医学教育 2008, 16, 49.(核心期刊)

130. 张晶敏; 杨照青; Liwang Cui; 吴蓝鸥, 分子技术在疟疾诊断及其抗药性检测领域的应用. 国际医学寄生虫病杂志 2008, 35,269.

129. 孟皓; 张荣平; 杨照青*, 慢代谢抗疟药PTP的研究进展. 国际医学寄生虫病杂 2008,35,325.

131. 李凯; 周本江; 杨照青*, 球虫卵囊的分子生物学研究进展. 中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志 2005, 3, 178.(核心期刊,PubMed收录)

132. 杨照青; 王红; 魏长桂; 张学筝; 周本江; 夏代光, 昆明市螨性过敏性疾病的调查. 中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志 2002, 6, 13.(核心期刊,PubMed收录)

133. 杨照青; 王红; 张学筝; 魏长桂; 周本江; 夏代光, 两种尘螨对某些过敏性疾病影响的调查. 地方病通报 2001, 3, 32.

134. 杨照青; 王红; 魏长桂; 张学筝; 周本江; 夏代光, 昆明市居民荨麻疹螨因素过敏的调查. 昆明医学院学报 2001, 1, 53.

杨照青 ;马灿华, 学生自学为主,教师督促检查教学法在寄生虫学实验课教学中的应用. 《当代云南教育论文大系》云南民族出版社 2001, 6, 35.

135.杨照青 ;夏代光, 云南省弓形体病流行病学研究中的一些问题. 美国中华现代医学杂志。 2001, 2, 106.





1.杨照青参编,《寄生虫学习题集》, 2004年, 云南民族出版社, 云南省, 昆明市。

2. 李朝品,高兴政主编,杨照青参编,《医学寄生虫图鉴》, 2012年6月第1版,人民卫生出版社 

3. Lucy J. Robertson, Huw V. Smith主编,杨照青参编, 《 Foodborne Protozoan Parasites》, 2012年12月,NOVA Science Publishers, Inc。


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